Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Would you be mad if your husbands X (baby momma) called your husband and told him she loved him???

Just because you don't believe him doesn't mean that he is at fault. Regardless, of who said what, he can't control what other people say. You better get control of your jealousy before you become the next Ms. X

My 70yr old (very youthful) Mum has shingles and is in bad pain with it. The Doc has told her to take neurofen

Is there anything else that can help? Does anyone know of anything that i can do to help her?? On average how long does it last??

Will my cloths mildew?

I am trying to prevent these cotton TShirt I got from Walmart. I was told that your suppose to airdry them and not put them in the dryer. If I run it through a spin cycle and let it hang out to dry in my closet wont it probably have a sort of mildew smell when it dries, because I hate the smell of mildewed cloths

Anyone going to a panto this xmas?

we are going to watch cinderella at milton keynes theatre starring bradley walsh and kasey ainsworth she played little mo in eastenders

How much should I sell my 60 gallon freshwater fish tank for?

It has a black wood cabinet and canopy, T5 lighting, Rena 3 filtration system, loaded with 10 fish, gravel, rocks and plants. Great condition, just bought it 4 years ago. I am moving and I don't have room for it anymore=(

Medical examiner career?

what exaclty does medical examiners do? i know they do autopsies but do they do other things? do they get paid a lot? and what do you think about this career?

I think my marriage is doomed. Any advice?

Ok, my hubby has never been a lover. He's been a fighter in wars and in his work and home life. I've been trapped in a nearly loveless relationship for years. We're coming up on year nine and last year I almost left him for someone else. Now I have no love at all. He made some threats to this other guy and we've been in court for 10 months for Theft by Extortion since my husband thought the guy should pay our debt off if he wanted to have me. Now we've had to file bankruptcy and the lawyer advised me not to work to qualify. My husband says he is too stressed out emotionally and gets cusses every time I mention our relationship. He says he shows that he loves me by busting his *** every day going to work. He says that while he was busting his , I was been swooned by another man and it isn't fair. Problem is I married him for security and not for love, but now I need more love. We've been fighting so much and now I just don't expect love from him. He keeps saying he is dying because he has holes in his legs (deterioration). He says he is beat up to hell and the last thing he wants is me giving him a guilt trip. As I've told myself already, my man is a paycheck and nothing more. If I expect more, I get burned. This is why I cheated on him in the first place. I wouldn't do it again, because he'd probably kill me. He is a marine and hangs out with Hells Angels. He has it in for this guy and his entire family as it is. It's all my fault. If I had cheated on a normal guy, I wouldn't have to fear as much. I'm not sure how to handle this violent husband I married. I'm thinking of never calling at work and just doing my thing. I'll be polite, but never ask for anything and never complain about anything. What do I do with that?

Question about soliciting offense and day care license?

The conviction will show up on a fingerprint background check, it's up to you whether or not to pursue the matter.

Should all airbags deploy in a car accident?

I was in a car accident where the penger side of my car hit the freeway divider. Only the penger side airbags deployed, none on my side. I got hurt from banging my head against the steering wheel. Should all the airbags have deployed?

Need Translation from English to Spanish of Legal Doent?

google translate is also a great place for translating. i would do it but i'm only in a spanish 2 cl in high school.

Do I have a legal case if the listing agent accepts another offer after we have entered into escrow?

We have been in escrow now for a few months and the house that we want to buy was appraised for lower than the purchased price. We still want the property and are willing to negotiate with the seller. After the listing agent found out that the house was overpriced, she started to avoid our phone calls and faxes. I had a feeling that the seller will have to go into a short sale because he already owes more than he is selling the house for. We finally got a hold of the agent and she told us that the seller will have to enter into a short sale. She said that we would have to resubmit another offer and compete with other buyers. In the mean time, we found out that she had taken another offer to the bank while she was stalling with us. It was probably someone that she was representing. I do not understand how this can happen since we have not cancelled escrow. Do I have a legal case since we have a binding contract and escrow. It was my understanding that we have priority, even if the house goes into short sale while in escrow.

How many times do dogs need to get tied up so the female could get pregnant?

how many times do dogs need to get tied so the female could get pregnant and after untying is normal for the female dog to throw some simen (or something whiteish) from her vulva

Rate my computer set up....?

I'd honestly give it about a 6 or 7.... your running a power hungry processor and video card so if i where you I'd get a more power full power supply.

Unpopular film opinions?

What are some specific opinions you have that you know to be wildly unpopular? For example, I liked George Lazenby as James Bond more than Sean Connery. This is a judgment-free zone, 10 points to the most baffling answer!

Do you kiss with eyes open or closed?

Likey! Not only is it romantic sounding, but your use of visual is very impressive!!! I like how the last paragraph gradually comes to an end-- aurally and visually!!!

What kind of jewellery can be worn on green colored dresses and blue coloured dresses?

like on white dresses u can wear pearl necklace and pearl earrings...tell me some kind of jewellery that wld match or complement it well?

Nintendo DS Phat or DS Lite?

Hey, I wanted to ask is it more worth it getting A used Nintendo DS Phat fo $75 or DS Lite used for $139.

Are these shoe sites fake or real?

Never heard of them, but you can see if there with the better business bureau.. or however u spell it.. go to and it will let you know if its a legit website or not

Need advice to help my cat's cold go away?

I just took my cats to the vet for the same thing and the shower is good for them that's one of the things I was told to do. your cat should be on meds for the cold but I understand times are hard so keep doing everything you are already doing alot keep in mind that if a cat cant smell its food it wont eat to try giving it some wet food warm it up a little first. Also the vet told me to give my cats L-Lysine in that wet food twice a day take one pill and crush it and mix in the food. other then that theres not much you can do but hope it gets better. I have 5 cats and all have runny noses watery eyes and sneezing I feel so bad for them but im doing all I can as you are so keep it up your doing great. But the hot shower is good for them it came right for the vet. hope this helps

Please, please help.. Q about offenders.?

I would tell him to stay the hell away from my house & kids, if I ever see him near them I'll call the police, and slam the door.

Is ti better to book cruise excursions before sailing or when on the ship?

Well I agree with Mary. If its an excursion you really have your heart set on taking, you'd best book it in advance. The excursion prices don't go down once you set sail. However, if its a popular excursion, if you don't book in advance, you may miss the opportunity once you set sail. Excursions can sale out. Best be sure! Better safe than sorry. Book in advance. If you change your mind once you set sail, you can always get a credit.

Who is tired of the "About Website Online Business" guy?

I am so sick and tired of this guy and his repeated postings. I have reported him 35 times today. How many times have you reported him? Lets flood them with abuse reports. Try to see how many times he can be reported.

Severe drowsiness and aches?

For about 2 or 3 weeks my friend has been severely drowsie all the time. He will take naps for 3 to 4 hours and still be very tired. He says that the feeling you get when you first wake up stays for 20 minutes. He feels like hes always in a hot room, his eyes burn, and he is achey. what could this be? please give me some answeres I'm scared something could be seriously wrong.

Is it wrong for me to abandon my race?

being a fil-am, i neve liked my own people. i don't want to marry a filipina, nor will i ever will. and why do i need to marry a filipina just to raise 5 to 8 children in the family? i get nowhere with my own kind. for some reason, they don't want me to ociate with, for example, the chinese, koreans, thais, indians, japanese, cambodians, nepalese, etc. all i really want to do is to break out of my shell so badly. i'm also currently being friends with my chinese female friend, and someday i'd love to have her children. besides, i have every right to like whoever i want to like.

Shouldn't we capitalize Global Warming just as we do other world religions?

Recently, several news organizations reported that former Vice President Al Gore has called for the reclification of Global Warming from science to religion (an ideology based in faith and not in fact). While I applaud this move, it does start me to thinking. Why are some people not capitalizing the words Global Warming? I saw in the news today the words written in lower case!!! I just think that Global Warming should be given the same respect as all other major world religions. What do you think?

Isn't this an a-sholish thing to say?

I finally mustered up enough courage to call this woman I've been crushing on for the longest and she's like "I like you but you're bi, aren't you? I have fun messing around with bi chicks but I don't really date them, sorry." I was so offended. Rejected. She used the word chicks though. Yikes. She's still really gorgeous though, and I am notoriously irrational and want to find a way to make it work :(.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How do you do a foil with grey hair?

I have about 10-15% grey hair. I use box color to dye the roots and it looks really good, lots of shine. (I use expensive products like Frederick Fekkai and keratin treatments.) So if I get a foil, how hard would that be since my hair is already dyed? And in four weeks when I touch up my roots again, will I ruin all of it?

What's it like to have a weekend?

Because I've never had cause to work a day in my life, in turn, never been able to share peoples enthusiasm for the weekend. Do workers really endure the entire week, simply to enjoy their precious time off? For me, everyday just melds together, as I loll about drinking gin and scoffing custard tarts. I would ask my servants, but I never allow them weekends, so they're as much in the dark as I am.

How Do I emble A tank that has an area with water, and an area with land (for a garter snake)?

Garter snakes don't need a large amount of water. A simple bowl will do nicely & the rest of your tank can be whatever substrate you choose ( shredded aspen, news paper etc.) a secure hidin or two, a heat source (incandescent bulb/ undertank heat pad) & a secure lid to keep your snake from taking too many side trips.

Can't transfer Legendaries from Pokemon Diamond/Heart Gold to Pokemon Black?

My Ds using the DS Download and play (DS PHAT) actually can't FIND the other DS which is broadcasting on Pokemon Black to enable the transfer to happen. Any ideas? Thanks. :)

Wheather office bearers of cooprative society are public servant or not?

indian penal code section 21 is not covered the office bearers of cooprative society therefore we can not procecute the office bearer under IPC.

Get motivated on a university project?

Managing a project at university seems a real struggle. I am doing a degree in CIS because a degree is one of the basic and very useful requirements towards my career ambition. Mainly because of the personal strengths and focus it encourages rather than the subject itself. However, even though I am in my third and final year, because most of this work is project based, I have real trouble finding motivation and planning and structuring it. My mind always wonders off and I can't concentrate. My lecturer witters on about "academic underpinning" and crap loads of research which is life sifting for a needle in a haystack just to "confirm" or "support" ideas that I know could work anyway. It makes the process laborous and boring. I'm much more the kind of person who can actively do the types of work where I see the direct result of my effort and stimulate my creativity in a "hands on" type of way than all this academic sludge. What can anyone suggest on this? How can I get my brain round the hidiousness of this project? The weight of looming deadlines and other concurrent projects to deal with hangs heavily on top of me giving my brain a "paralysis" where I get nothing done. I'd sooner bugger off to the other side of the world for a good sodding break!

How do i get support?

You sound like a person lost in confusion. Your therapist should be a big help to you but you need a friend. Not a big group of friends. Just one will do. It could be a girl or boy but someone who you can share your wants wishes fears with and they with you . Someone you feel safe with. Someone that you will let through the security wall you have built around yourself. In life, you will find you know may many people but you can count your friends on one hand. Look for this special person and be a friend to her or him. r

Why has the Heavyweight Cl died down??

I mean back when Mike Tyson, George Foreman, Mohammed Ali, Evander Holyfield, Lennox Lewis, Rid Bowe....Even though they all didnt fight against each other, why does it seem like the Heavyweight cl has died seems as if the only competition is the Heavyweight champ Wladimir Klitschko???

How bad should i feel if at all?

I got a echo 1 stag mod4 for my bday. There was a bird on a power line in our pasture so I took some shots at it... now remember... its an airsoft gun!!!! I hit its wing... it fell. Iv shot plenty of birds with it. They were all fine, but thus one bird... the bb went all the way through his wing. He couldn't fly. I felt soooo bad. I putt myself in his shoes... I felt so bad.. what if someone shot me in the leg so I couldn't move. Tore me away from my life... how would my family feel? The bird was suffering... my lil bro was yelling at me to shoot it in the head to end its suffering but I didn't think it would go through. Atleast 20 minutes past. Finally it was time for dinner... my brother wouldn't chop its head off with the shovel so I took the shot. Itbwent streight through his head. No problem... he squirmed.. the. Picture is stuck in my head... the poor bird... I am pretty sure that he's in a better place. The blood shot out every where... I know it went streight through because i saw the blood gush out both sides of his head... like a beating heart... I actually cried.. im a 16 yr old man. Am I too soft? Did I do good? Or bad... yea I kknow its just a bird... but a plastic bb killed him!!! And I let him suffer for 20 minutes!! Hunting would be completely different.... the shot that hurt his wing was atleast 80 feet away..

My computer will start, but it has a problem with memory and will not boot.?

My computer is a dell Inspiron 1200 windows xp, and when i log on, all it shows is the background screen, but no start bar or programs. i have a nagging feeling it's because i dont have memory (>1gb) but i cant be sure... any help? i am running a diagnostics check right now, and it isnt showing anything. i tried to contact dell, but my warranty has expired.

Girls: would you ever date a "clumsy" "dopey" "shy" boy?

these are all words used to describe me, with affection. (; sometimes i can be quiet and shy and thoughtfull, but other times i can be quite clumsy and "dopey" and... "dippy" maybe. so what do you think, imagining i am reasonably attractive (to you or whatever) arty, and dreamy as well. quite thin, tall. but its mainly the personality bit im talking about. so thanks. (:

Found a girls number in bf coat, How should I react?

been married for 24 yrs and unfortuantly my Ex did a number onme . However he never cheated on me because he was a drug addict when he took off I did always think he was but in actual realty I learned his cheat was the drug additiction. I have a new BF after 2 yrs and he made me feel like i was on a platform and he works these hrs from 1:00 in afternoon till 2:00am. Recently his company went live and he ahd to stay at a hotel because he worked 96 hrs.On weekends he is with me and has his 11 yr old son faithfully. In addition he came out of a 17 yrs marriage where his wife cheated on him. Of course he has changed alittle , he doesnt have to please me as much because we are past the dating stage and we live together. I was looking for a lighter last night and found a girls name and phne number and in his coat because we are always stealing each other lighters. Whenhe called to say nite I did ask him about the girls number telling him I set myself up onthat oneand his response was a chuckle and said , thats so so and from work. He even went to the extreme of sending me an email from her that was sent to him and others onthe commitee so he could prove that she worked there.However her number is lostedonthe bottom so why would he need it written down on a small piece of post it? I laughed it off and when he sent me the email , I responsed back to him that :FYI back at you , is this why you wear cologne". This was a private joke to him and guess what the email went to respond back to this whoever person was ..which is fine , it was an honest mistake but should I be concerned or over anylzing it?

I need a job.. Helps?

I've worked there, it's not that bad. Just work up front, doing the cooking stuff can be a little gross. But being a cashier can be fun and you meet a lot of interesting people and make some pretty good friends. At 15 you're probably not going to find the most glamorous job, so if you're desperate, take what you can get.

Yaz, hpt, diuretic effects??

Hi I was just wondering if the diuretic in yaz birth control would cause a false negative hpt and have any effect on hpt's? The reason I am asking is because I am on yaz and I know that there is a diuretic supplement in it--so, alternatively, if anyone has gotten pregnant on yaz...did you get a + hpt, and when? Also, did you still bleed at the end of your pack? Thanks for your help :)

An influential women in American History?

Hey guys! I;m writing an essay in cl about any influential historical figure in american history and im totally leaning towards the whole women's rights thang! so any ideas? iv read up on abigal adams so far. what do you think? and could you give me some detail on her because all the biographies iv read have the same old boring material! anything really would help me. thank you so much!

Am I right about Cincinnati being a conservative, bland, hillbilly city?

Yes you're 100% on point. A city between Ohio & Kentucky, what you expect. Congratulations for your escape.

My 9 week old baby doesn't look at me?

All you should be worrying about is if your baby is healthy. She will smile and coo when she is ready. Every child develops differently. My daughter said her 1st word at 3 months but didnt walk till 13 months. My friends child didnt say his 1st word till he was 12 months but was walking at 10 months. Just enjoy your baby, they grow too fast!

35 weeks pregnant and freaking out?

This baby was unplanned, and a huge surprise. I'm so close to having him now, and I'm trying hard to be happy and excited...i truely love this little kid. But I am so stressed with other issues in my life...a bad marriage, financial difficulties. And I am feeling a lot of guilt for not being completely there for my 2 year old, I know she won't have the attention she is used to having. I'm terrified that when the baby is born, I will get postpartum depression, and resent the baby.. I was trying to nap on the couch this aft, and everything aculated in my mind and I had a panic attack...I don't know where to turn. My biggest source of emotional husband, has his own issues and has checked out when it comes to being supportive of me.

This guy just answered one of My Questions and he said he traced my ADDRESS!!! ?

Im a little scared because i was asking about my boyfriend and this guy said he recorded my IP address and sent it it the the Federal Bureau of Investigation..!! What should I do?

Infection --- BV.. Info ?? help ?? :(?

i am hoping that this is a serious inquiry so that i am not wasting my time... but bv is not an std. it is a buildup of bacteria in your l area. it can happen from wiping the wrong way, wearing a swimsuit too long that is contaminated, etc. it will not go away without going to the doctor as bacteria has to be treated with antibiotics. and pid can be caused by many different things, including, but not limited to std's. have a friend take you to planned parenthood. you do not need a parent and everything is confidential.

How come,todays great PG's never seem to be able to dominate the game?

Simply because the game has changed and now The Big Men dominate, such as Duncan, Shaq, and KG. Without a consistent Big Man you cannot win in this league nowadays.

With drastic spark retard via knock sensor-could a 12:1 CR motor run on 87?

this is talking a highly built from the ground up with forged/billet components & sequential fuel injection, with a knock sensor that can appropriately reduce timing, could a 12:1 compression motor (with a well designed head with no hot-spots) run on 87 octane fuel?

Ice Road Truckers?

You could try this - the first one you buy a list of employers, the second is the company that runs the ice road

Statistics Source: Ice Cream and Crime?

I am unable to find the original study (if indeed there was a study) but it is a popular topic in statistics cles. You can get a powerpoint lecture that includes it here a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

My riding mower wnt start?

I pull the choke up all the way when the mower was not warm. The mower shut off. Then I tried to start it again and it just made some Putt-Putt noises. Then it shut off again. I replaced the battery and when I put it in the mower just smoked and got really hot. I cleaned off the spark plug with sand paper and tried it a gain and it did not make any noise. So my mom got a new spark plug and we didn't put it in yet. So please give me info on that. And this is an old wheel horse riding mower. So you do not need to sit on the seat to start it. Thank You !!!!!!

What are some ideas for a comical video to be put on YouTube?

Well........ I wanted to do this one, but it doesn't matter. It could be a commercial about batteries. And mabey say "For 19 payments of 19.95" And at the end, "Batteries not included" lol.

If people make up Corps then corp layoffs can't they be outlawed?

Your right, in the next 5 years you'll probably see Corps being sued or going to court because of foul play.

Help please - re-set Durango radio?

just put a new battery in my 2005 dodge durango. now my radio/clock won't work. anyone know how to reset? thanks!!!

Any Band Wagons I can hitch a ride on?

I have been a life long Timber-wolves fan, but i think i am clinically insane for doing so. Any idea's of a team i can throw my allegiance towards for this year. I am all ready saying "Theres Always Next Year" for the Puppies!!!!!!

My boyfriend is in Narcotics Anonymous & it seems real shaky?

i had to photograph an artist & didnt tell my BF bcz i want to keep it to myself & focus. i didnt feel like answering ?'s comments. he ask if i'm taking shots. i said no, the guy sings. i told him i didnt want him to go with me bcz its a drinking crowd & he's in the NA program. he can pick me up when i'm done. i told him what time the show starts & ends. but it didnt go that way. the show started 2 hrs late. i texted to let him know what's going on. i ask if he felt comfortable in the club so we can be 2gether he said "no way". then he showed up surprisingly. he got mad bcz my coat was on a chair with the artist's coat. then he left bcz he didnt want to be around drinkers. he pick me up, he was mad & jealous & making comments that suggested "i go be with that guy" & other jealous stuff that made the night worse. we wanted to be 2gether but i had biz to do. The night ended with us breaking up. I know he's in recovery but he was also JEALOUS. What was I supposed to do?

Any good yaoi/ anime?

So far I've watched yaoi, like Gravitation, Loveless, Papa to kiss in the dark, FAKE, and gakuen heaven. So, does anybody have any good reccomendations for yaoi OR ? I want to get into , so far I've only seen revolutionary girl utena. ^^;;

Is there a way to capture stills from a Hi8 camcorder?

I'm using Pinnacle 9 software to transfer to my computer. My goal is to capture pictures and print them. I've tried this but the pictures are not very good.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Can I drive alone in Ontario If Im 16 and I have my license in SK?

I have my cl 5 novice 1 in Saskatchewan which is basically the equivelant of a G2 but I see that in Ont you need to be 17 to have a G2 so can I drive alone and stuff while Im visiting my Unlce in Thunder Bay this spring?

Do I have the right to be upset and hurt by what my hubby did?

My 22 yr old daughter graduated from College last Sat. My hubby of less than 3 yrs and I attended the ceremony. I noticed about 20 minutes before the ceremony my hubby kept moving around and then started complaining about his back hurting. He has back trouble but so do most people in there middle 40's. I myself have sciatica and tailbone problems. We were sitting in a gym with wooden bleachers and on the front row. He kept saying the lady behind him had her knees in his back. So he left. About 10 minutes before the end of the ceremony he comes back inside. He said he was sorry but just couldn't take her knees in his back. Thank God my daughter doesn't know he left, she thinks he was there the entire time. Next week his kids graduate from high school. I can almost guarantee he won't have any problems with sitting through their graduation in a smaller gym with someone's knees in his back. I am hurt and upset with him. But he doens't understand why...are you kidding me. I am sick of everything being about him and his kids. Am I right to be upset and hurt?

Will more illegals be fired Chipotle chain targeted for federal immigration audits?

I understand now that every business in the U.S. is required to use E-Verify for all their employees, and potential future employees.

Do bl*ck guys prefer wh*te girls?

Last month I moved from an almost all white school to a school with a population of half black and half white. At my old school, not a bunch of guys ever hit on me. It seems like at my new school, a bunch of black guys are hitting on me. I've had one who wanted to be my boyfriend and another one who randomly told me I was beautiful. It seems like interracial couples are becoming more popular nowadays. Is this just me, or are black guys becoming more attracted to white girls? If so, why?

Question about steering on my pickup truck?

I have a 1989 chevy pickup. When I turn the steering wheel it makes a loud creaking noise. It sounds like I'm opening an old mummy's casket. Any guesses?

Can a Police Officer Revoke Your License and accuse You of Being a Drunk . Druggie and then tell you never?

What your doctor says is 100% irrelevant. And NO doctor will say you were not drunk or on drugs at the time of an event where they were not present. Based on those flat out lies, I don't believe anything you said about the officer either. Based on the lack of grammar in you 'question', I would not be surprised if you were on something when you typed this.

Will this harddrive work on my ps3?

dude the ps3 has all ready 80 gb for the system why are you adding 80 more gb why so it can fly are something you can't put a 160 gb in your ps3 unless you want to start a fire in burn your ps3 up

Can we eradicate castism in India?

Our country's growth is affected because of the mechaism of different castes and sub-castes. If we abolish this and loudly say that we are Indians, I think we will become one of the most developed countries in the world. Is it really possible???

Does This Mean I Suck at Card Counting?

The card counting strategy needs a very big bankroll and you need to play maybe 1000+ hands...counting cards gives you a edge on long term

Computer heLp..?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Christians, Are You one of those that calls on the Name of Jehovah, is Your feet shod with the Good News?

It is with the "preparation" of the Gospel, without which we could not rightly divide the Word of Truth.

How to make snares or very good traps for rabbit,fox,deer?

dont get mad at me because all theses other hunters hunt. and im am to if you cant be nice then dont tell me crap. if your a hunter then tell me.If you have ideas then tell me. but if your gona say thats mean.Then leave me alone.

Is religion "needed" in Western society?

With religious faith being in turmoil at the moment, this begs the question. Do we still rely on faith the way that we used to in the middle ages or has this dependency changed to a more independency?

Old fishing lure, named CATS SAS FISHING SYSTEM, who makes it an how old is the company, what would this lure?

Is there anyway you could post a photo of the lure? I don't know anything about it, but I will do some research and see what I can come up with.

How infectious is Mad Cow Disease?

LMAO @ Mad cow. I would be very concerned. Thanks for the laugh this morning. I was feeling sort of blue.

Same guy w/child support question, wanna comment...?

Ok, I'm the guy w/the support quetion yesterday 4/14/10 - Just wanna give ya some insight on WHY I asked the question. My ex filed for a raise in support out of spite. I pay for much more of my kids expenses than she ever has. She never works, cheats the system & does every guy she sees, brings them into her home & all that. I don't evade paying support, never have. I asked the question that i asked cuz I don't wanna be in violation for not changing my hourly wage, even though it's the same job.

My horse fell while lunging!!?

My 5year old Thoroughbred Gelding usually likes to buck while he lunges in the first ten minutes, which I think is okay because he's energenic and has to get the energy out someway. Well, while lunging he slid on the gr and fell down on his back left leg. He got back up immediately and I ran over to him, walking him back to his pen. Well, he puts a little weight on it and it doesn't seem to be broken and he can eat and walk on it, but we just paid for a large bill and we can't call the vet unless it's extremely serious. What can I do to help other then keeping him in his stall? :( I'm really worried about it., but we think he hurt either his thigh or his ankle, but his ankle seems okay. PLEASE Help!!!!

I need to know how to make a quick decision on Simple things.

Like the question, i need to know how to make a decision on simple tasks such as buying a t-shirt, what to order at Chick-fil-a. You know and i get all, Undecisive, and start calling people what do you think? I just can't make Snappy Decisions. I begin like, do i need it?, Why do i need it? I could not buy it and save money. I dont think i have anything that matches it. Or things like that. I doubt my confidence. Please help thanks.

Symptoms coincidence or result of something bigger?

you need to get on some serious nutrition juice. go to a health food store and info. or go to

A few questions about a Do it your self divorce in Pennsylvania!?

Ok as to the parties involved, neither can afford an attorney of any sort. They are filing a divorce with a do it yourself divorce packet. They have been living and apart for more then two years. They are both agreeing with the whole divorce. They have nothing to fight over, and have one child, but child support was already established, and they are in agreement with a custody agreement. Now as to my questions. The plaintiff is the wife. She is pregnant. In the state of Pennsylvania can you get a divorce while being pregnant? It is not her husbands, as I stated they have been apart for more then 2 years. Now, the Defendant is in the Military. I seen in the divorce paper's that there was a form that needed filled out stating the Defendant was not in the Military. What is the Plaintiff supposed to do because of this. He is not deployed yet. They are trying to get this done before he is deployed again in 4 short months .Without an attorney will a judge still grant the divorce without the Non-Military form being signed? Now my last and most important question. What forms need to be notarized? Some of them are marked, but others aren't. Now it seems weird to me that a plaintiff can just send a defendant forms to sign, without being notarized. Who is to say the plaintiff didn't sign them herself? Sorry it is so long, but thanks for any and all help I can get on this!

Just exactly what is this REAL Holocaust threatened by a woman in black?

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Is this a good laptop for $399?

Great Laptop, just do not expect to play with higher graphics on the video games, because it has integrated graphics. And, the load times for opening a saved doent or anything saved on the hard drive will take a little longer, because it is only 5600 RPM, not 7200 RPM. But other than that, great laptop.

3 people win a NFL bet. Betting commissioner to pay 9K, County Sheriff awards money to commissioners ex-wife?

A betting commissioner of an office football betting pool accepts bets, held the stakes, issued receipts, and charged 5% for his services. For some bets he would cover the amount by making off-setting bets with other betters. If there were not enough off-setting betters, he would cover this risk with his own money. Three people bet on the NFL Super Bowl and won $3,000. Commissioner had to cover these winnings with $9,000 of his own money. Prior to paying out this amount County Sheriff attached the entire amount to satisfy a delinquent child support payment against betting commissioner. The three winning bettors sue the ex-spouse for the $9,000. Who will prevail?

How do I make items emptied from my recycle bin disappear for ever w/ windows Vista?

I want items emptied from my recycle bin to be un-restorable.I am dyslexic and have a hard time retaining technical jargon,so please indulge me w/ 'PC for dummies' type instructions.I would appreciate it greatly.Thanks

Financial aid for indians to do MS?

to get into any ivy league university,what must be my gpa,gre/toefl scores? im from a not so economically sound background... how much should i score to get into univ like stanford and mit??? do extra projects and paper help???

Can anyone think up a catchy name for pet novelty shop.?

Hi all, can anyone think of a different or unusual title for pets products. These items are novelty collars, leads, headwear and a few other dressing up products. Some are glamourous some are pretty and the others are fun. I do have a couple of ideas but they all seem very obvious. Any help would be appriciated thanks.

Who played the red and black demon in insidious?

me and my friend have heard that it was leonardo dicaprio, but we looked it up and cant find any answers. we're just curious. thanks :)

How did you know which path would be the right path for your life

I dont think i am still on the right path at present, lol. We all go through stages where we feel kinda not sure about which path to take at the present time. I leave things to God, chance, cirstance and fate. I do have quite a lot of will power, takes a lot to break me down. However, i dont think i do have the power over some of my life, that is dictated by destiny and fate and external factors beyond our control. I am quite an organised person, however, even the most organised people cant always control what life has in store for us. We just have to believe in our decisions and hope we are on the right path as much as we possibly can be...

Will my psu run radeon 5670?

Yeah but that depends really if you've got like an array of 12 HDD's no , and also the mobo and processor your running , to be safe you should have more watts on your psu than your system actually needs so your not 100% loading the psu at all times, I'd recommend 550W-850W , 850W uming you;ve got a high end mobo and processor with an array of HDD"s along with optical drives , that umption came for people who do a lot of video editing in case you were wondering lol

How come every bill Obama comes up with is a 'hurry up and p it' rush deal? what timetable is he using?

Obama uses fear mongering to get his bills ped before anybody has a chance to read and be apalled by them. Fortunately somebody read the health care bill and blew the whistle on how horrible it is before Congress could vote on it.

Locke/Social Contract?

How does Locke's social contract lead to a democratic state committed to the protection of natural rights?

Help wtih a difficult situation?

My husband's childhood friend died 2 days ago at the young age of 40. He leaves behind a wife and a 6 year old son. His friend died by basically drinking himself to death. Drank so much, for so long that it caught up with him - his liver basically gave out and he died. Anyway, I am going to attend the funeral m with him, but now he tells me that the family (who are also drunks) are having a wake for him too! A wake is basically a "party" where they all get together and get drunk and reminisce about the deceased. The family is asking for everyone attending to bring lots of beer and whisky! I find it disgusting that the family is choosing to do this, given how he died! I told him I don't feel comfortable going to this "wake" and I'd rather stay home. I think he is mad at me, but I am sickened by this and do not want to go! Do you think I am being unreasonable? Thanks for any input!

Are people born shy or are they made that way?

It was this guy on YouTube that talks about getting over shyness and low self asteem and he said ask youtsel why you are how you are he sai you its not genetic he said you are conditioned like that that's really the first time I thought about why am I like this I always thought it was gens but he said you are conditioned that way and I thougt about my life and how I got teased by girls and never had a gf cause my parents said I wasn't allowed to until i was 18 but all the other guys had girlfriends so I thought maybe I was ugly and maybe that's why I'm 18 now and have low self asteem and don't have any friends let alone a gf cause I would only get teased by girls cause I couldn't hit them I never got messed with by guys cause I would fight them and got into alot of fights but i was taught to never hit girls so when they would tease me I didn't know how to express myself verbally and i still dont so I wouldn't say anything and didn't know what to say and maybe that's where all my negative thaughts towards myself started since this guy said you are conditioned the way you are maybe that's why I am how I am

TMJ question, if one has done everything that there is for this....?

like warm compresses, eating soft foods, not chewing gum, wearing mouth guard at night and the symptoms have not improved at all...could that mean that maybe the jaw is out of line? or something else?

Why do people try to slander Obama calling him a Muslim?

We slander him because as of late the Muslim religion fanatics have been responsible for a lot of pain and suffering. I don't much care that he's muslim but I'd rather our president not be at this particular point in time. Just like I wouldn't want a christian in office if christians around the world were waging war on everybody. I personally believe that it can skew decisions. The majority of this country is Christian and so we'd like to see someone in office who parallels our beliefs. As for the and other stuff, the president is supposed to embody all that we want to be right with this country. Someone who gets a bj in the oval office doesn't really seem like the type of person I'd want to represent me.

Does he like me or am I uming something different?

I have a friend who invited me to one of her family get together and I met her cousin. He is three years older than me and I find him quite good looking. He lives a couple hours away from us so I rarely get to see him. When I do, we never talk. We only text and msn each other. even when we are in the same house, we will text each other and say that they look good today and stuff. I just don't understand why we never talk in person.Even when he is back at home, we have these huge flirty conversation that would last two days on and off. My friend says that we would look good together as a couple but since we live so far away from each other it's out of the question. My friend always encourages me to talk to him but I find that there isn't anything to say to him.. but through texting we have a lot to say. Is he shy? or does he just not want to talk to me in person? Next time I will be seeing him will be around boxing day, how can I talk to him? and what can I say? or how can I make him talk to me? I am so confused I have no idea. My brain is flustered. Can someone give me any advice?

Can someone give me lessons on professional photography?

Ok, i would like to become a professional photographer..I have taken couple short cles online they didn't help me much, i'm more of a hands on person. One thing I have a hard time learning is my camera settings and how to use them, (aperture, shutter speed) i usually have my camera on auto :) I do NOT know much about photography. I need a teacher :) would someone be willing to teach me everything, we could do it online or whatever. i would be willing to pay if you are good.

What will i been needing when i do a h22 swap..?

You will need the motor/ mounts, axles, ecu, COMPLETE engine wiring harness, shift linkages, also make sure the engine is the same type OBD as your car, if not you will have to do some converting.

Where can i find flannel plaid shirts?

I want one (or 3) from delias but i wear plus size and i would really like to find the black and blue one and purple and black one! Please helppppp!

How do u know when u have a bad computer?

I know I have a bad computer the moment I start cursing it and it curses back! In French! I don't speak French but I know a curse word when I hear it.

How long does it take to ween off oxy.......?

how long does it take to ween off oxycodone? i was takeing 4-5 aday for back pain,i guess its been 3 mos i want to taper off what should i do?? im sick and i sweat and my body aches ,around 3 or 4 pm for the last 3 days ive taperd all the way down to 1 a day at that time i can get out of bed get a bath ,food tea, and do some lite housework today i took 1 at 3pm and 10.00pm i took a half am i doing better? tomorrow ill take one then the next day do a half untill im down to none maby do this all of next week next friday i should be done weening what do you think? im so sick...........when will it be over>??????ugggggghhhhh

What is difference between sigmund freud and erik erikson's theory?

difference between sigmund freud and erik erikson's theory, difference, sigmund freud, erik erikson, personally theory

ual Discrimination?

I work for a large American car rental company at a local branch. Part of the job description for management trainee's, drivers, and everyone else is they may have to wash and vacuum a car when needed. Our office employs a young lady who worked at her job until her 8th month of pregnancy, and of course everyone at the office didn't ask her to wash cars because of her condition. She took a leave of absence for a few months to give birth to the child and recover. Now she is back and she refuses to wash and vacuum cars because she is a woman. Women at other branches wash and vacuum cars but our store manager says it's "not right" to ask a woman to wash a car (even if it is in her job description). Now everyone else in the office has to wash cars for her and her customers as needed; drop what your doing and quick, wash this car for me. One male coworker has quit over this issue and my job is harder now although the boss says i need to have a team player attitude. We also live in a "right to work" state...which basically means you can be fired for any reason at any time. I don't have an issue with the woman personally but i do have an issue with the boss who makes up the rules to fit his needs at the time. Is he breaking the law? How would i bring a ual discrimination suit against the company? I am apprehensive of retaliation, i need a job and i 'd hate to get fired. How would they settle? Thank you in advance.

Should i beat the **** out of him?

my mom married a guy, he has two kids, a boy and girl, the girl is 4, and got d by her other step brother, who is 13(stepson of his ex), should i put the r in the hospital?

How do you get that boy to ask you out?

Look, it's okay to be the initiator sometimes. If you want somethng or someone, go after them. The worse that could happen is that you get dissed, and someone better comes along. Don't be scared. If you want this, do something about it. Sometimes guys like that they're being chased after for once.....makes em' feel real good about themselves. Good luck

It's been a few weeks now and I still have not heard anyone calling for the firing of Colts defensive?

coordinator. I have not heard the media or anyone bring up the fact he did not send more than four lineman to to disrupt drew brees. NOT ONCE! It was obvious brees was in a rythm but instead let him pick apart the Colts sorry excuse for a secondary. Anyone in there right mind would have sent diff blitz packages to get to drew brees. How do you come into a game vs a prolific ping team with the mind set you are going to sit in a zone? It makes no sense! Does anyone agree with common sense?

What size of baja hoodie(hippie hemp hoodie) should i get>?

i am 5'7 and want to get a baja hoodie, so all hippies, do tell...what size should i get?...XL, XXL,XXXL?

VERY short hair - what to do with it?

I shaved my head four months ago, and it has grown back nicely - about an inch or inch an a half long at this point. Does anyone have any ideas of a way to make it look interesting? (It's uniformly about 1.5 inches all over my head, light brown/dark blonde, INCREDIBLY straight, and I have very pale skin.

Quotes from the greatest men in our country were they liberal or conservative?

Im sick of the continual greedy mindset of all of them in office and the ignorance & stupidity from the people that refuse to see it, instead fighting with each other. Its embarring & tiresome.

Sizes for Women's/Teen Clothing?

I'm really skinny, and I've tried XS, but sometimes the straps fall down on me 'cause I have really scrawny shoulders, and the T-shirts are very long on me. I've tried American Eagle and I know they have XXS, but they don't have very much to offer clothing wise. Any advice??!!

Rookies vs sophmores ?

i'm thinking it will be a pretty close game. with the history of the sopres, they tend to have more experience, regardless of skill and still win. but i also think the rookies have a great chance this year

Bone in chicken recipes...(..thighs..dru…

i need some ideas for this i have never used bone in chicken before...always brought the boneless skinless chicken but it is cheaper to buy bone in. So what do you use on this type on chicken we have a gas grill and a small convection well as a stove top. i plan on making asparagus with it.

Type of jobs available in Seoul?

Yeah, probably teaching Mandarin at an academy or maybe working for Samsung or LG at entry level perhaps. Try working for one of Korea's national corporations like that, maybe one that does business with China, Thailand, Taiwan or something.

Whats the deal with snide people on here?

Boo hoo my feelings are hurt =( Some people answer so nastily. It's they really want to help me or are they just trying to be malicious?

Do Baptists agree with the concept of election?

Any God who arbitrarily selects souls for damnation is not worthy of belief. In fact, it would be difficult to distinguish such a wicked God from the Devil.

Is it possible for me two becomee ann actresss (a teen-age actress)?

Take the cl to see if you actually have any talent. Take chorus, too, as singing is good to learn if you want to act. Take gym and dance as well-same reason. Learn to spell-just in case you want to write a play or make notes or something. BTW the ones "behind the camera" are the grips and photographers-not the actors.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Grand Wailea Resort, Hawaii ??????????????????????

It's out of my budget, but a co-worker stayed there a year or so ago & said it was great. I don't have any specifics, though.

Can I freeze my insurance and license when outside of the country?

I got a dui last year. In a year I will be leaving on a backpacking excursion. I will be gone for about a year. Am I able to freeze my insurance or explain to the DMV I wont be in the country and to freeze my license until I get back>

Should i wear black shear tights with a black sequined dress?

I am going to an evening bat mitzvah in a week and it is very fancy. I am wearing a black strapless dress that is covered in sequins, and it falls right above the knee. Should i wear black sheer tights with this dress? I am thirteen years old

I am going Sri Lanka on Sunday night, but my tickets are indirect and what terminal do I go?

I am going fro London interchanging in Qatar. What terminal do I go because I am going to be really confused when I arrive in Qatar and miss my flight. Can I stay in the same terminal because its international.

(This is a REALLY weird question) Is this weird?

Okay, so the summer of 2009 we go to Devil's Lake in Wisconsin for a camping trip, and there's this Army ammunition plant (BAAP) just south of the park. That vacation really made an impression on me because that was when i really woke up and realized, there's a war going on. This is real. All day and night you could hear the planes and helicopters from the plant flying over(not to mention the guns being tested-we actually heard them test some sort of explosive one day.) I just really felt like God was calling me to be a soldier. I mean, it was all i ever thought about all summer. Then, i broke my ankle and had to get a screw put in. (Yes, this is going to end as a question) Well, the doctor was a really nice lady who has a family and graduated from a 4 star medical school plus she's published articles in various med magz plus she is one of the top docs in the area with lots of cloute. Well, after the surgery, mom said the doctor came out and asked, in a really serious tone (and hesitantly), if i laugh a lot. Mom says not really-and that was the end of that conversation. The doctor never said anything else about me laughing during the surgery. Wellllll, that whole thing seemed really weird to me because with the type of anesthesia i had it is NORMAL to laugh a lot during surgery. Why would a doctor with so much experience think it was weird if i laughed a lot during the surgery? Then, at my next doc appointment, while were leaving and mom's filling out some forms, i notice the my doctor looking at me from her computer desk. I didn't think anything of it, but she KEPT looking at me. It wasn't like a-you're weird look; it was more like......i don't know. She just kept looking at me (and she's not a pervert, just in case you're wondering). Well, at another one of my doc appointments, there's this Time magazine in the waiting area, it's right on top of all the other magz, and it's brand new(unlike the other magz). It was the one about Afghanistan, and it showed some soldier on the front. (all this will fit together at the end). I didn't think anything of the magazine other than i thought it was interesting. Then, 9/11 rolls around. I find out that the 9/11 ceremony for our town is going to be at the hospital. That seemed SUPER weird, because there's so many other places that would be so much better (the court house, one of the city parks, VFW, or at some sort of memorial thing). It was even weirder because it was like the main memorial service in town with the police and fire dep. and everything, and it's not like the ceremony cost anything so the hospital wouldn't need to sponsor the event. I didn't get to go to it, but it just seemed weird that the hospital would have a 9/11 ceremony. Then.....i started thinking. And i began to wonder if i said something weird about war, Iraq, Afghanistan, and 9/11 during that surgery i had, considering those were all that i thought about during that summer. That would explain why the doctor was so weird after that surgery, why that magazine just happened to be in that waiting area on that day, and why the hospital was having a 9/11 ceremony. What do you think? Is this like weird or what?

Is it in the interest of the insecure/weak (DNC) to design societies that enber the competent/strong?

It is in their interests so long as they have a majority that prevents the "competent/strong" from doing anything to prevent it. You're right, they look at the gl as half empty but, given a strong majority, they intend to fill their gl with the blood and sweat of those who work for what they have. So, yes, it's in their best interest to fill their gl with as much of everyone else's water while they can. I'm sure before this is all over, they'll be pulling out the milk jug to hold the overflow. I mean, let's be realistic, they're going to have to get all they can because, now that they've pissed everybody off, they're going to need all the reserves they can get their hands on when they get booted out!

Are you able to lift weights with a pacemaker?

I have just recieved a pacemaker and i used to be a active weight lifter, and im itching to start again. If anybody knows, do you know how much weight is a acceptable?

Why don't we just commit suicide?

Life is pointless, we will all eventually die, vanish into nothingness...There is no after life! It's just can't be, why don' we just end our life and spear all these sufferings and illusions...There is not point.

Leftists Only: Who's Better, Fidel Castro or Hugo Chavez?

Very very simple answer Fidel is about 84 and his brother runs Cuba and Hugo Chavez is much younger will be around for many years! Fidel is much better because he is closer to death!

Help With Middle Names Please?

Valentine Caraway. :) That's actually my friend's name haha. Valentine Caraway; but we call her Val. lol.

Pokemon pearl help!?

your at a tactile disadvantage you av got to sort out a game plan tactics are more powerful than the pokemons level

Why do people act like it's so great to be alive?

I agree that telling a depressed person to just snap out of it and see the beauty of it life is terribly ineffective. I think a lot of support for depressed people though isn't so much about telling them how good life is, but just that it *can* be good if they work with the right resources. I have a few mental illnesses including depression so I know how hard it is to get out of feeling like there's nothing to live for, but it's important to try, even if it takes a long time. It's worth the chance of enjoying life again.

If a child murders another child...?

The case would be heard in the supreme court if the prosecution charges the child as an adult (which would depend on the severity of the crime and the cirstances involved). Otherwise the child would be charged with a lesser crime and tried in children's court.

I can't find the beat when listening to Salsa music (or any other music for that matter) ?

here's the thing. music is complicated. some composers decide to be complicated, especially songs like salsa songs. your right: there are many different instruments with different beats, but they all go together. here what to do. pick one instrument sound, try a b or drum (uaually in some music you hear a b or clap that is the main beat and will be counted on 2,4,6,8). listen to your entire song and only pay attention to listening to those key points in the song where you hear that b or drum. after listening to it a coupe times, start to mark out your dance in your head and see if yuo can follow it. you can do your dance if it helps you more. after you figure that out, the rest is easy. start adding sounds in your head and once you've got it all, strut your salsa stuff and work those hips. good luck! :-)

My camera has the words 'copy inhibit' on it and wont let me record?

Hi, lately whenever I try to record something form the tv with my camera, big yellow words that say "COPY INHIBIT" flash on the screen and it stops recording. This has never happened to me before. Only now is my camera giving me trouble. Does anyone know how to get rid of this?

What is something that u just CAN't STAND?

something that really annoys you. one thing i hate is when people eat making wierd sounds and when ppl call u but have nothing to say and have other conversations with people that they r wif while they r on the phone with u. it makes me mad. wat bout u. idk these kinds of things sound really interesting

What has happened to real music?

Rap,emo,punk,most country and christian music has watered down the music scene nowdays,if you have a computer check out Prog rock or Clic rock sites pandoras box? make your own go to all music guide branch out with music make cool mixs be well rock on

Is this a good gaming laptop?

yeah it can handle most titles out their, it's dule core so thats a plus, but it will be palying your games in their low-med video settings. and acer dose make good laptops so all in all thats still a good gaming laptop for the price

Why did Foreman fight like an inept fool against Muhammad Ali?

I still think Ali would have won as he was an around better fighter who could take punch better than anyone. But I feel Foreman made it easy for Ali as he fought such a foolish fight in 100 degree heat against someone who was as tough as they come, which Foreman and his corner ie Saddler, Archie Moore and Sandy Saddler (fought Willie Pep in extraordinary battles) should known in the first place. I am not being a crusader as I am a big Foreman fan but he should have known he was unlikely to conquer Ali by a knockout as Ali was far too durable and had amazing punch resistance and normally showed that in all of his fights. Okay he lost on points to Frazier and Norton but George should still have known that doesn't necessarliy guarantee him a knockout over someone who had not been knocked out in 44 fights at the time and had also beat big punchers in Sonny Liston and Cleveland Williams even though Foreman annihilated both Frazier and Norton. So in my opinion Foreman and his corner contributed to his loss in Zaire as they went into the fight without any battleplan whatsoever, instead just looked for the big punch that was going to knock Ali out, which wasn't going to happen as Ali was far too tough and smart over longer fights whereas George got frustrated and disorietated after 4 or 5 rounds. Especially against Ali as Ali had lost to Frazier and Norton who George destroyed. But if Foreman was smart during that fight he would have paced himself better and tried to win the bout on points although that might have gave Ali the chace to pick Foreman off and win a landslide points decision. So to be fair to Foreman, he might have did the right thing by pressuring Ali although he could have did it with a bit more thought ie used the jab more as he neglected the jab he used against Frazier and Norton when he fought Ali. So it was a catch - 22 scenario for For as he would have been picked off by Ali if he boxed more conservatively and wore out - just like what happened - by putting pressure on Ali lol. That is what makes Ali such an awkward fighter to be up against and and fantastc fighter to watch. I also think Ali could have beaten Foreman by trading with him as Ali could take a punch better than anyone but just chose to block and tie up Foreman when Foreman got close as George had a habit of pushing opponents. But if you watch this fight Ali looked so much stronger than Foreman in the clinches and when pushing Foreman off just like he did against other quality opposition in Sonny Liston.

Grade 4 placenta previous?

hi how likely is this to happen again? as hemorrhage very bad last time and son was born prem now has cerebral palsy?

What places deliver to the cathedral area in joliet, il?

Practically any pizza place will deliver. Have you called the restaurants listed in the Cathedral Area Preservation ociation website?

What is wrong with a timetable for withdrawing from Iraq?

Seems reasonable to believe this will create conditions that will force the Iraq government to get serious about forging peace. al Qaeda is not a signifiant driver of violence in Iraq, so dependence on americans will end forcing the changes.

Why do some people look better fatter?

Some people I have known when they lose weight actually look worse because theyre face becomes scrawny looking. Have you noticed this? How can you lose weight without getting scrawny face?

Can you use your PSP Magic Memory Stick for regular UMD games?

Yes, the magic memory stick files on the memory stick wont effect save game data storage, and the psp bieng able to load UMD disk also wont be effected.

Why is the family losing responsibility and its obvious role/place in society?

Why is the family of a juvenile delinquent/problem child more to blame than mental illness excuses, I understand that some are not merely excuses, but for the most part they are, as well as a score of other reasons local authorities are using. I am only 24 years old but I believe that crime in america is directly linked to the degradation and ization of family values and morals. Whip your kids, lead by example, have a faith, give them chores, love your wife/husband-if not married/with a significant other than show love and compion to your other family and your friends and community. What is the media trying to replace the family with? The government? Is a good family the thing of the past? Or is someone going to redefine "good" for me?

Are there any freeware 32 bit to 64 bit video converters?

You can try:a href="" rel="nofollow"

Friday, January 13, 2012

Why did Google (GOOG) drop over 20 points in 1 day today?

from what I heard on the news all stocks dropped quite a bit just as soon as the stimulus package was approved in the US. I have no idea why, you would think it would be a good thing for stocks.

How to completely eradicate masturbation practice from day to day life?

its really make me to addict.after working with that i feel bad of heart feel that i am not good in nature..sometimes it makes me think that iam in wrong way..even thought i can understand its a bad one sometimes i cant control myself...will u please provide me a right suggestion to save my life from this masturbation habbit..................................…

Lost Theories?

I thought it was slated to end in 09 - Next year. Regardless, they have me more confused this year than I have ever been watching any other show...Why does Kate have Aaron? I heard something about there only being 9 survivors of 815 - what is that about? What happens to the rest of the people on the island? Also, where did Kate get her money for that house?? And poor Jack, my hear just breaks for his character once he is home... It still keeps me watching, but I just don't know what I am watching anymore!

How dare anyone question the writings of Paul?

Lion of Judah, I think you are on your way to becoming a Catholic. You ask a lot of good questions. Catholicism has much better answers to the questions you are asking than anything else. The Vatican has declared this year the year of Paul and encouraged everyone to study the writings of Paul. The Catholic Church recognizes the importance of Paul.

Architectural Measurements: Is there is list somewhere of approximate measurements of various items?

I am looking for a site that lists different measurements for basic items such as household items, et cetera. Thanks!

How can I be a certified court interpreter in Tennessee?

I would like to know if the state of tennesse offers some kind of certification for court interpreters like in other states

Ratchet and Clank:Tools of Destruction or Size Matters?

Hey people,I'm asking the people who have played both,which should I get? I played Size Matters before and loved it but I forget everything in it as its been over 2 years now...have never played Tools of Destruction but it seems to have good reviews..I have played R&C 1,R&C Gladiator (or Deadlock for NA) and R&C (Future) A Crack in favourite seems to be the first R&C but a Crack in Time comes pretty your opinion, which is better? Tools of destruction? or Size Matter and why?

If we shifted the calender by 10 days, could we get the 4 quarters to roughly fit with the start of....?

I'm confused! If you are talking about the seasons, those dates are related to the solstices...longest day, shortest day of the year. You cant just "slide things around" for convenience. There are reasons the start of seasons are on the days they are (and why they sometimes shift 20th or 21st).

Sewing, buying fabric by the bolt any online good ideas ?

In 2001 I was able to go to a site and get great deals on great fabrics by the yard, I think it was called Cottons by Becky but I think it is gone ??? any other suggesionsw

PSP charging problem! Help!?

Instead of buying a power socket, why not buy a psp universal charger? I have a psp universal chager and it works great. But you need to be careful and not buy cheap duplicate ones. There are cases of battery explosion caused due to cheap chargers.

Global warming?

I know, I'm so sick of it. I hate nature freak so much. I want to bulldoze every tree on the planet and boil the oceans off into space to make it easier to get at the oil in the seabeds. I want people to have to buy breathable air from the store (I HATE FREE things more than anything and especially when it's air) and I for one won't sell to those greenpeace motherfkkers. I will laugh as they die in the vacuum.

Foods to eat to get build muscle?

So I know meat and nuts can help build muscle while working out. What type of meat has more protein though?Pork?Beef?Any other nutritious foods that can help me build muscle?P.S. I'm not into that protein shake stuff i just want natural food suggestions

Do you think Atlantis, or remnants of it, has been found at last?

I just discovered that a scientists has just discovered what seems to be a city very much like Atlantis in the mudflats of southern Spain. According to the article, it was washed up there by a tsunami. This is also situated outside 'The Pillars of Hercules' that Plato mentioned in his writing of the lost city. The Pillars are actually the Straight of Galbatar. It makes sense and seems believable. It's just that I thought Atlantis had sunk beneath the sea. But perhaps the actual continent had while one or two cities were pushed away and burried in the mudflats of Spain. Any thoughts?

Does cardio effect muscle growth?

Kenan, I was in the exact same situation as you, i went to the gym alot before i started mma and brazillian jui juitsu and i was scared id lose muscle m aswell. And from all the cardio training i didn't lost any m, just keep going to the gym as often as you normally do. My adice is if your fighting competitively NEVER drop down a few kilos to fight. Trust me its not worth dieting for weeks and because i wasnt eating much cause of my diet i started to lose muscle m.

Does anyone know this hip hop song?

I think you mean "Gossip Folks" from Missy Elliott's album "Under Construction."

Should i buy a Samsung 50IN PS50A558S1FX 1080P Plasma?

iv'e been looking at this in the argos catalouge and it sounds perfect, price and all! but is it worth it? i was looking at the worlds most expensive tv (out of curiousity) and the contrast ratio was 5000:1 and the tv which i want is 20000:1 so is it the lower the better? anyways i would be really gratefull if anyone can help :) and please answer my question properly, last time i posted on here most answered with answeres not even related to my question :P thanks everyone for your time!!! p.s please check out the specs of the t.v before you comment, thanks again :)

Graduation cl of 1983, Saginaw East Catholic St. Mary Cathedral High SchooIs Is there a list of graduates?

St. Mary Cathedral High School no longer exists. Nouvel Catholic High School became the new school. Consisting of several high schools. St. Stephens, St. Mary's, can't remember the last one. Located on Hoyt St. in Saginaw, Mi.

What Does He Deserve?

Sorry. Your on and off so not that serious about each. Hes cheated on you 3 times. None is good. ONE SHOULDNT EVEN HAPPEN coz this means he isnt fulfilled by you and he has no real committment to you. And hes broken up with you 5 times so really hes ******** you about. If he wants to be single then let him. After the way hes treating you it would be a disrespect for yourself to go back to him. Forget him and move on co he isnt worth bothering about. GOOD LUCK!!! x

How to get my back ribs to show?

Okay first NO RUDE COMMENTS. Okay, well first off I am 15 and I weigh 106 and I am 5'6. My pelvic bones show and my top ribs show a little. i have been through alot with weight and I just want to be like super scrawny. Please dont say that unattractive bla bla I just want answers. I want to look scrawny in a bathing suit and not curvy so how to I get the back ribs on my back to show and get scrawny. I eat very little but it's not helping.

Do you think Japanese satellite rocket technology, which can be used for ballistic missile is dangerous?

The technology enabled to send satellites even to the moon and Japanese power plants have a lot of plutonium.

Boy name: Feedback on the name Bennett?

I love it, but can't use it because it's my last name! :) Generally, I really love the use of surnames as first names. You picked a good one! I do prefer it with two t's like mine is spelled; people often pronounce "Bennet" like "Benn - ay" as if it were French.

Supermarkets in Sozopol, Bulgaria.?

Hi. I am off to Sozopol in a couple of days and was wondering if there are any supermarkets in the area. We will be staying in the New Town. Thanks

How much does it cost to have a full set of teeth replaced with dental implants in fresno california?

my self and my husband are interested in getting implants any pros or cons? personal experiences would be helpful in making our desicion

My mum thinks i am developing anorexia nervosa...someone please help?

Don't focus on losing weight so much. Focus on being HEALTHY. That means eating correct diet, getting enough rest, and exercising. Please go to there is a lot of tips on healthy living in there. If you practice healthy living, your weight will adjust to your ideal weight automatically. You are still in growing period, it is VERY important that you eat nutritious food, and enough exercise and rest. The choice that you make now, can have a very important effect throughout your whole life. Good luck.

What Gun would be issued with the SRU-21/P Survival vest?

Usually a .38 Smith & Wesson revolver, unless the unit the aircrew belonged to had something else.

Which hair style would go good with this dress?! HELP BAT MITZVAH THIS WEEKEND!?

I have curly dirty blond hair that goes just below my shoulders and am wearing this dress. How should I wear my hair and how do i put my hair like that?!?!HELP UR THE BEST!

Where can I find these clothes?

delias has some really cute flannel shirts. you can find a beanie lots of places, i don't know an exact one tho, sorry. :)

What would you do if someone made belive they were trying to help you but all along they just wanted to take ?

something away from you that you love very much?She knows who i'm talking about...She is a lier and a back staber....

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Do you ever wish you were born male?

I was wondering if many women ever wish they were born male or at least envy some of the attributes of manhood. Men tend to be stronger, faster, and taller, we don't have to bleed every month. We don't have to worry about the pain of labor just to have kids. Seems there are many biological benefits to being a male. So do many women/girls ever wish they were born male?

Starbucks Baristas, how do you make..?

Anyone a Starbucks barista and can tell me how you make a marble mocha macchiato (hot and iced please) so I can tell the dumb girls at the Starbucks by me how to do it right!?

Are the Ivy's really that much better?

I am about to be a sopre at a school ranked approximately 50th in the nation for Liberal Arts colleges. I had a 4.0 in high school with 9 AP 5 scores and a varsity tennis player. I applied to 5 schools, got into 4 but not into Washington University in St. Louis. I got into Northwestern, but my family could not afford it. For some reason, this has really bothered me, even 1 year later. I am very bothered that many of the so called 'top universities' do not let in students like me who went to a racially diverse close to inner city public school. I had 3 other clmates with similar grades and AP scores with the same story. I have a 3.93 in my first year at my school (only non A's were A- in Spanish both semesters). I was wondering what separates those 'top schools' from the rest, and how going to a smaller school affects my chances at top graduate scholarships and schools. I guess a lot of it is an inferiority complex and jealousy, but I really would like to know how much better the schools like Harvard, Yale, Stanford, etc. than smaller schools and how going to a smaller school affects my chances of top scholarships and graduate schools. I would like to go into Engineering (most likely mechanical or civil) and would it be better to go a large prestigious university or a public university?

Wwe going down ?

CM Punk can cash his MITB briefcase on any show he wants 2 dude=) So he's NOT just on Raw if he does cash his MITB briefcase which he will;-)

My wife is immature, but accuses me of being one!?

just grow up. you wife just feel lonely. clothes are nothing. she wants to say that I need something but do not know what it is. when she finds a job she will be emotionally balanced. be patient..

When are the Bauer supreme one 95 gloves (player) coming out? ?

I am not 100% sure, but I believe they come out this spring (April/May). I heard from a bauer rep that the new skates (vapor x60's) are coming out in the spring, and I heard from some guys that the one95 gloves will be released at the same time.

Should I say this to his friends?URGENT?

I would not get involved with his friends through this letter if I were you. Sounds like a lot of drama and you seem to already have your plate full. This is an issue between you and your bf not you and his friends. You are not in a relationship with his friends. You are in a relationship with him. Communicate with him. You have every right to say what is ok with you and what isn't. He has every right to do whatever he wants regardless. If pot (or any drug) is over the line for you, tell him that either he quits or you are leaving, or at the very least not being around him while he is stoned. He is in a relationship with you and he should respect your wishes and if they are not in agreement with his own wants and needs then you both need to evaluate the relationship. You are getting distracted by his friends ITS NOT ABOUT THEM. Its about you and him. Focus on that and leave them alone. You are only going to make enemies of his friends and make him defensive by attacking them and in turn him.

Help with an intro, please?

Seriously I really enjoyed reading this!!! It is well written and instantly engaging. I'm certain that your writing group will love this, without any alterations! The only thing I can say that is slightly negative about this piece, is that it's short, so it leaves you wanting more. A great novelist in the making :D !!!

Christians, if your god *really* loved us, don't you think he'd be a better parent?

No God would give a human the capacity to think critically and then not show evidence of his existence.

Can Oxygen tanks work as a backup for not having an air filtration system in a bomb shelter? ume 2 days.?

Will be a cheap "work around" shelter dug in the dirt about 8 feet deep, polls on corners, netting covered by poly to keep from cave in. floor w/ 3 inches of rocks. The roof will be boards covered w/ 1.5 feet of dirt. Size 6 x 4 x 8. Basically, just want something to work for 48 to 72 hours of nuclear fallout.

Why do most comics take place in new york?

Watchmen, spider-man, batman, etc. I was thinking its because the people who make comics base the comics on where they are at at that particular time.

What do you think did he like me or is he a player?

Woah, Honestly... I have a guy friend we shall call him Justin. Justin, is like this guy, he does it only for attention. I promise you, there are better guys please don't fall for this one. I love Justin, he did this to me, and now a year later we are finally good friends, but I now see how he acts with other girls, the things he says for attention just to know he still has you wrapped around his finger and the things he says about other girls also while either "liking a girl" or even dating one. He doesnt do it to make you hurt or mad or lead you on, someitmes he does it for pure fun and his entertainment. He doesnt know what he wants, and honestly gets sick of having one girl for to long, keep this guy as a friend stop doing as he asks, and move on. He isnt the one, and he will hurt you in the end. Sorry hun!

Has anyone had to go for a late scan because they were measuring too small?

My midwife is sending me for a scan at 34 weeks because my tummy does not measure quite as big as it should and because it hardly changed at all over a fortnight. Should I be scared? what could this mean? I am still getting plenty of movements and everything. I still have over a week to wait until the scan.

Faux Facts vs. AlQueda Gonzales?

It was stated that the firings were over Duke Cunningham's trial, and it was because of partisan politics. The Republicans ordered the firings so they can't be convicted further for their corruption right in the middle of Cunningham's loosing trial with Lam as Judge. I have all of the doentation in these links, with the conversations these no-nothing neo-cons above me are abusing you over the truth. Alberto (V05) Gonzales knows very well that this is obstruction of justice. He was emailed by Senator Boxer, and Senator Fienstien over the Cunningham issue several times. He also has selective memory, that Senator Boxer and Senator Fienstien have doented. There will be another investigation, and trial, and conviction. These Republicans can't tell the truth.

Does Kina Grannis (winner of the Doritos Crash the SuperBowl 2008 Contest) have a significant other?

probably but why do you want to know? she's made it pretty clear that that's an aspect of her life she wants to keep private.

Relationship question..?

GUYS ONLY plz. I met this guy on line, we've been talking for while now have not met eachother yet. He calls me at least 3 times a day. Even when he's on a break or something. I always pick up the phone. I love talking to him. But I wanna play harsd to get. Sometimes, I just don't wanna pick up the phone but I like talking to him a lot that I can't loll any ideas? Thanks

How to get a dog that is fussy with his food?

put his food down. give him half an hour. If he doesn't eat pick his food up and come back later. Repeat until he eats. A dog that's health won't starve himself and the average picky dog is picky because he knows his owners will give him something else or add something to the food rather than see him "starve"

I'm dating a man who has been previously married...?

sit back and observe, watch how he behaves first, then put your heart out there. Not before. He needs to prove himself.

Rainbow flip flops - leather or hemp?

I'm going to buy a pair of Rainbow flip flops... I normally just wear like $5 old navy ones so does anyone have input on whether I should get leather or hemp and list the pros and cons of each one?

How can I convert a VOB file that I mistakedly made in WMM into another file type that I can actually see?

I made a short movie in in Windows Movie Maker and I probably in my haste saved it wrongly .It has an VOB ending instead of WMM.I can only see a sliver of it but can hear the music.

I swear my dog can understand english...?

we're not allowed to say starbucks, subway or turkey in this house or there is a line of dogs at the door. all 3 will wait to be taken.

Which name do you like best for my baby girl or boy?

I think that Irelyn is a beautiful name for a girl. I think that the names you picked for a boy aren't really strong enough however, my favourite would have to be Rowan.

Any eventers out there?

Yes. I event my Thoroughbred mare. She is hott, but she has good energy for the sport. I like my Warmbloods for eventing.

How to produce tension in a string using wooden rod?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Why do I detest Nancy Grace?

For some reach I find myself not liking her. I guess her show is like having a bunch of people talking behind your back. It's full of garbage. But still, I don't seem to feel that's the reason.

Yahoo account suspension?

bittorrent is illegal and lets you steal windows XP OS instead of legally paying for it. The terms of service covers this pretty well. Read it

How can i get Frank to love me?

the other day me and this dreamy boy (who sort of looks like jacob from twilight) shared a moment, so i figured that i should pursue this crush i have on him. he goes to high school and i'm still in grammar school, is that creepy? i talked to a few of his friends. the milky one, the bleach blonde one and the freakishly tall and sensitive looking one. they did not give me much advice, Skim-Milk told me to build a statue of frank. but c'mon. he has to be messing with me. Spike told me to just admit my love for him, it isnt healthy to keep that bottled up for too long. Paul Bunyan just kept looking at my rack. how rude. i dont know if i should listen to Spike, that seems too radical. i think i should start to lay the groundwork. and then tell him i love him. what do you think?

Are Ron Paul and the Tea Party Movement dupes for the Christian Evangelicals ?

They talk a good game about Liberty, but are they not all in fact dupes and shills for a darker theocratic movement ?

What was he really doing???? super duper short!!?

this guy who has had a crush on me for over 4months asked me for a hug and i have double D do you think guys like 2 press on them when they give you hugs???like guys can you feel the girls s does it give you pleasure? have you ever perposally hugged a girl just 2 touch her???

IIT DUM!!!!!!!!!!! IIT DUM!!!!!!!!!!!?


Should the Cowboys trade up to get Darren McFadden?

no absolutely not, you already have a pro bowl running back in marion barber and hes only 24 so theres no need to get another young running back. the cowboys should try to sign a back up running back in free agency but no need to waste future draft picks on a not needed running back. also if they were to take mcfadden they would have to give the running back a ton of money b/c he was the 7th overal pick. the cowboys should focus on drafting a WR because TO and glenn are getting pretty old and by the time the draft 24 there should be some good WR's available such as desean jackson or linas sweed. so i say no to trading up to get mcfadden, sure this kid is a gonna be something special but with a pro bowl running back already theres simply no need to waste money on another back

What are your thoughts on this Cathedral Painting by Monet?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Daughter starting gymnastics - should she wear underpants under the leotard or not?

I also have a 5 year old..I would have her wear just the leotard tomorrow then buy her undies that don't stick out special just for cl, later this week..That way she doesn't feel embarred..It is hard to take back an embarring situation for a child..Thankfully at this age they bounce back quick but it's up to us the super moms to make sure everything is perfect for our kids..

Soulsilver pokemon rate my team is it any good?

you have a great team with a great veriaty of moves. you u might want to consider this... rhydon, tyranitar and nidoking are pretty much the same. u should subsitute at least on of them. electabuzz or snorlax are good choices. i have a lvl 100 tyranitar and it is a power house in my team also consider getting a gr pokemon like sceptile or rosearade which are great for your team. other than that your team is great.

I want botox im 20 years old?

Im thinking about getting botox to make my jawline a little smaller, smooth my skin for a tighter more defined appearance. So are there any major side effects involved?? Will getting botox make me look older in the future?

Spiteful 40th anniversary gift?

well recently I found out that my firstborn son(40 years old) and the foundation for which my marriage was built on was named after my wife's high school ex-boyfriend, He wont allow me to have a blood test done to see if he is really my son, he said he would rather go on not knowing, so I decided that since she took my 40 year old son I will take her 40th anniversary away, I figure that I will just get her a really lame sweater(with a giraffe on it or something) or maybe a gift certificate for like 25 dollars and I wont even put her name on it. Or maybe I will just buy her a bunch of cheap china from the dollar store or something, I don't know, I just need some ideas, something that will make her think that I have a surprise gift but in actuality I wont!!!!! If she makes me question my marriage and the birth of my son I will make her question her marriage and her 40 years with me, its only fair

Brucellosis has been eradicated fron Australia since 1998. Do you still have it in your country?

I have heard this disease mentioned on here before, which prompted me to do some research, to which I found out that it has been eradicated in Australia since 1998. Do you still have it in your country and if you do where do you live?

I got my second tattoo, and im breaking out all over?

That Sounds like a reaction to a chemical or base metal. You should be able to clear it up with light applications of bactine or band aid wash.Both of these products contain benzalkonium chloride and lidicaine. also your skin needs to breathe and kept in the open air as much as possible between applications..

Ground fighting but not like BJJ, a possible new style of ground fighting?

There's not one single technique that could be invented that has not already been made. All you can do is rediscover old techniques. While on the ground all one really needs to do is either stand up or bring their attacker down to the ground with them. There's so little to it that it's not really even worth mentioning. There's not enough to it to even train in the situation, let alone make an entire martial art about it. If you're on the ground and they're close enough to attack you, you're close enough to take them down. Several martial arts have tactics to keep a standing opponent at bay.

Was led zeppelin's falling popularity one of the reason's for their break up?

John Bonham's dead is was broke up led zeppelin. They felt that they had a careful balance of all the artists in the group and without Bonham it wouldn't be the same.

Sticky substance coming from my ?

Okay, this may sound like an odd question, but my boyfriend likes to nibble and ever since my s have been very sore to the point i can't even wear a bra and secreting this sort of sticky substance. I'm not pregnant, and it has only been happening for a day, but I've never had anything like this happen and I was sort of worried when I googled it because it came up that i could have an infection or a cyst or something of the sort. Could anyone let me know what they think? Will this go away or is it a problem?

Do you beIieve that aII the money put out for a funeraI is reaIIy worth it?

My thoughts for the disposal of my remains has changed over the years, but this is where it stands as of today. Put my body (after it has been cleaned) into the car and drive to the crematory, US They can dispose of this as they please. I have also set up the funds for a remember the good times party with family and friends. Rejoice over a death, cry at a birth.

What implications did Erik Erikson's research have on the early childhood field?

Can someone please help me. I know he created more stages than Freud. But cannot really find out much about the impact. Thanks

Why did ''bloody'' mary I give up the throne to elizabeth on her deathbed?

mary was catholic and wanted to eradicate all protestents from the british isles from what i understand and return england to its catholic roots before the split by henry i dont get why would she give up the throne to a protestant monarch who supported the church of england,elizabeth becoming queen would obviously keep england as a non catholic nation and contradict all mary had done in her short reign

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why are there so many interpretations for these verses'1cor.14:34-35'?

This does not demand that a woman be absolutely silent at church. Rather, in harmony with what the apostle taught elsewhere (1 Tim. 2:12), the woman is not to speak or teach in any way that violates her gender role. She is not to occupy the position of a public teacher, in such a capacity as to stand before the church and function as the teacher (or co-teacher) of a group containing adult men. In uming this official capacity, she has stepped beyond her authorized sphere, and she violates scripture.

Has the negative dog press caused your neighbourhood to become dog unfriendly?

You would think people would realize that it is an off lead park. You should get hold of the city, or group that is in charge of the park. Have them put up bigger signs about off lead dogs. Ultimately it is your responsibility to control your dog, but you should be able to let a friendly lab run where he is allowed to. Look to see if there are any dog parks in your city. Then you wouldn't have the off lead/child mixture.

******what the hell??

It looks like the version of word at school is different (probably newer) than the version you have at home. Go to the microsoft website and search for "doent viewer". It should let you at least open newer format doents on you own system, then you can copy and paste, or edit, or whatever.

Im Trying to lose some belly fat?

Im also seventeen in the same situation except im a female. It's fine that you are doing cardio but that is only to maintain you heart healthy not necessaryly to loose weight. What i was told by a trainer is that in order to loose weight you first need to add on punds of MUSCLE. for every pound of muscle u loose a good sum of calories ( dont memeber the exact amount so dont wanna give false info). So you need to start lifting weights and such to gain that muscle which is what ultimately burns the fat. Plus it's only beed eleven days.. it takes the average human a month to gain a pound of pure muscle. :) ... Keep at it soon u will see the difference. Good luck

Does it bother you that Obama was a member of the BlacKKK church for 20 years?

It would bother me. Couple that with the fact that he has a link to the Black Panther Party on his web page. For those of you who don't know, the Black Panther Party is the other version of the Ku Klux Klan.

Help with mother's liver cancer?

well my mom has had liver cancer for a little over 6 months. they were giving her chemo just to control the pain because it is terminal and that's all they can really do, they can't really shrink the cancer or try to cure it. But since she was weak last time she had her appointment (which was like a month ago) the dr. suspended her chemo till she got better because the dr. said instead of helping her it would hurt her more. I'm ok with that decision except that she doesn't eat at all, she says her stomach feels bloated all the time, and everything we try to feed her makes her vomit. All she has been drinking is Pedialyte, and that is not nutritious for her, it just kind of fills her up for a little while and now the biggest problem is that she is starting to get tired of drinking pedyalite. Anyone have any suggestions of what i should do?? How can i help her so that her stomach won't feel as bloated?? Any suggestions and help will be greatly appreciated!!

Which one is better, IP cameras for security or regular cameras hooked up to the PC and send images via PC?

Please elaborate the difference, the advantages, disadvantages and the trends when it comes to the difference on security cameras that have their own IP address and hooks up directly to the internet or the traditional ones that is hooked up to the PC with a special chip/board that directs images from multiple cameras into the internet? Thanks.

Is it highly likely she is curious about me or is this just normal chit chat?

wait until she has broken up with this girl swap numbers and take her up on the drink if they brake up make your move and ask her out not straight after woulds like a week or something good luck =)

Snail problem in fish tank?

they are actually good for your tank! they eat the algae and some bacteria that spreads on the gl and gravel. i used to have a lot and used to ask the pet store to give any of them if they had extras. just if they do overpopulate the tank just take some out. they are good for your fish for keeping a clean environment. :)

No one knows whats wrong with my knees ?

my knees have been hurting since '04 and I have gotten x-rays and everything and they still dont know what is wrong. It started out with my right knee. It is always swollen and hurts frequently when I run or even walk and sometimes my left hurts when Im running. I can feel the "creaking" when I put my hands on them and move them (my knees) around. One doctor said its because I have flat feet but I dont believe thats the case because my mom has flat feet and her knees are fine. What could be wrong? no rude comments.

So i was watching terminator salvation the other day and....?

Yes it is sad that we are forced to cover up our bodies and feel shame should we expose it yet a male politician can prance around on screen while killing people no less and have it accepted and praised.

Why did actress Kristin Datillo leave the cast of Dexter after season 3?

I mean the actor's departure, not the character's.. the character's departure was bs.. thanks, guys!

I need a solution to my problem?

I'm doing very bad in my driving licenses courses and I don't know what to do. In Bulgaria the taxes do to the practical exams are huge. My driving instructor always shouts at me and tells me how i'm the worst driver ever. This things really upset me and I know I'm not good and I really want to improve but it just doesn't work. I hope I wrote this in proper english.

What hair greases are there that dont have any mineral oil or petrolatum tell me plz a.s.a.p?

i need to know what greases dont have minreal oil and petrolaum in it and how often should u cut your split ends??? xxxxxx

How to deal with stingy friend.?

Me and my friend are on the opposite whenever it comes to money. My friend, I would say high-cl wealthy, is always so stingy, and me, on completely on the other side, not flat broke, but hanging in there. Well, example, everytime we go lets say to a store, I might grab a few things, and he will too, and whenever it comes time to check out our stuff, he says, lets just put it all together, and I will pay you back, he usually never pays me back, or i don't know if he is acting stupid, because he says he doesnt remember. Normally it wouldnt bother me, but it has been happening too often. Other times, he might just tell me instead, hey, get me this. Feeling burdened, I usually grab him w/e he wants, thinking he will pay me back. And when I asked him to pay me back, he was like don't worry it was only 20-30 bucks. That doesnt seem like much, but I'm not wealthy so that can get me things I actually might need. Help!!

Timber wolf dog food? Anyone else buy this for your dog?

I just switched mine to it. I hope it is as good as it says. it is a little bit expensive. I hope i am getting my moneys worth.

Does AT&T have good coverage in Maryland?

If I were you, I would wait for the HTC EVO to drop June 4th from Sprint. 4G with WiMax brother! No 4G in Frederick yet, but there is in DC and Baltimore while still having 3G in Frederick. That's just my opinion. ATT has decent coverage around this area. All my friends have them. I have just always been partial to Sprint and their package prices. I live in Frederick and also do a lot of work in DC / Baltimore area. I've never had a dropped call. look up the EVO dude, the phone is SICK!!!!!!!!

Do you think he likes me.....or do you think he knows I like him? Please help!!!?

lol don't read too much into it, you wanna know if he likes you? Make a move on him, get close to him and say hi and start talking

Bump on my ack, HELP!!!!?

so i was taking a shower and felt a small bb size bump on my ack, it's not on my testicle, but i can feel it inside of the skin. I HATE DOCTORS. but i'm freaking out about this and dont know if i should go to one, and i'm afraid it's testicular cancer, PLEASE HELP!!!

I could really use some advice?

well about 3 months ago my dad kicked me out so i went to live with my mom im 17 i was 16 at the time he kicked me out well recently he told my mom i could come live with him (i am pretty much just lounging at my moms filled out many applications but nobody wants to hire a dropout) and work for him to make some money as im also a dropout i would have to pay him 400 a month and i would make like 1000 a month. i am only hesitant because we had a pretty harsh falling out there was much profanity exchanged along with threats and the police had to get involved no one was injured but it was a very sressful 2 weeks while i was waiting for a train ticket to get to my moms i was living with my friend and he called the police to return me because the law required me to be with a parent or parent approved gurdian well please give my your opinion ultimately i have to make the decision but your opinions would be much appreciated thankyou in advance

Is anyone else getting really tired of hearing Alicia Keys screeching about New York?

I know it's a great city and all, but I'm getting really sick of her wailing. The solo version is mainly what I object's much worse then the Jay Z duet.

How do i replalce my alpinestar tech 10 boot buckles?

Not the strap but the actual buckle base needs to be replaced. I bough the part but i have no clue how to attach it. it looks like some sort of rivet.HELP

Monday, January 9, 2012

SEWER Line (cast iron) is bowed causing belly!?

Ive never seen cast bow. But I guess anything is possible. If you ask me instead of trying to wedge it which I dont see how that would work, it cast. I would just cut the pipe out move it to the side. And run a new line in PVC. You just have to make sure you have enough drop and pitch so the water can flow. If you had a camera line inspection I suspect the line further down probably has problems as well.

Im not his priority, what should i do?

my bf and i have been together for 4 yrs. just this past three months, he's changing. he gives me material things but he said i am not his priority but his family. I feel hurt every time his mother and sisters call him to come home and he immediately does. his sister in law is also living with them but he prioritizes his nephews and nieces more than i do. we talked of marriage but he says it's not sooner because he is still planning to go abroad (a nurse) for his family. for the 4 yrs, i tried getting pregnant with him- secretly, so i think he could make me his priority already. but to my dismay, nothing happened. i admitted this thing to him and i felt that i was so desperate. he changes the diapers of his nephews and nieces, washes the feeding bottles and cooks the am for them, buys feeding formula when they ran out of it, accompany them to clinics when they are sick yet when i admitted that i wanted a baby with him, he said he's not ready yet. one thing i also did was i followed his religion- i changed my manner of dressing, my hair so long not permitted to be cut and my family hated me for that. i did this because i thought i'd be his priority but he just said that not all things i've done for him needs to be given an exchange. i was really hurt when i heard his words. even now as i'm taking on this, my tears can't help but fall. i was considering leaving him silently like i'll just disappear from him, keep all pains in my heart and stand strong again but i just can't. honestly, as far as my nervous system is concerned, i am already married to him, but it's not the same for him. i feel rejected and every time his sisters are present, i feel neglected. i really wanted to start a family with him. we've talked about this like 20 times before and it's also 20 times i heard that i'm still not his priority. i felt slapped in the face by him many times already when he says it. just a week ago, we had a fight because he kept me waiting in church all day. he texted me using the phone of his sister in law. i replied him with angry outbursts. to make things worse, his sister in law let my bf's mother read my messages. the next day, my bf talked to me and told me that his mother said that she don't want to see me again at their home. this breaks my heart right now... is this something worth holding on? is there still hope that he'd see my sacrifices and efforts? now, he is sick and he's at home for three days already. i can't visit him anymore because i am already unwelcome at their home. i still wonder that he never fights for me to his family... readers, can you pls give me a sound advice? my room is already drowning in tears and i can't use my pillow i had to dry it it's soaked in tears.Pls comfort me. i cant talk with somebody here because my family and friends have turned their backs on me since i changed my religion.besides i'm keeping this things from my family and friends because they believed all the while i am happy, that we are happy and maybe they will laugh at what i got from my boyfriend and from changing my religion. sometimes i wanted to shout, to tell my family and friends about what i'm going through but i know they will not understand, i just cry in my room pls answer immediately. give me a time. thank you.

College question that i need a answer to?

I don't think you can combine radiology (and do you mean an MD, like a radiologist, or a radiography tech, someone who does the x rays) with pediatrics, though it's possible I suppose.

LGBT: Something Funny?

Just in case you never noticed...There are NEVER any questions in the gay section that are about uality...fags just like to segregate themselves I guess.

Ok, does he like me or is he just being friendly? 10 points going here lol!?

I wanna help but I'm pretty sure he isn't interested in being your boyfriend or liking you or thing I've learned is that boys mean exactly what they say/do...unlike us girls, who decypher everything and find emotional meanings to everything guys do...when he sat next to that other girl in the movies was a sign that he wasn't interested or he fancied the other girl more...also when a guy ignores you on IM or means he x'd your IM chat out because he was eitehr talking to too many people and thought they were more important orrr he just was x-ing you out because he didn't feel like responding..which i know a lot of my guy friends do to some other girls and guys....idk i feel bad for saying this if you really like the guy but im friends with a lot of guys and they talk about girls a lot and i see them completely two faced (according to a girls perspective) when they talk to girls and when they talk ABOUT

Will cremated people go in the rapture too? The bible says the dead in the earth so I am not sure.?

I have questioned about how I wanted to be either buried or cremated. My husband said in the Old Testament only heathens were burned, and those who by faith believed in God were buried. So honestly I don't know how God feels about it. But God would not have a problem rising up someone who was cremated. God who created this world can speak and a body can come forth from ashes.

How do I adopt my step-daughter?

My step-daughter has been asking me to adopt her and I don't know how to go about it. I know she has not seen her real father for over a year, is that not considered abandonment? Who do I contact to adopt someone?

Day trips in Morocco?

I was in Agadir this past Easter and can tell you that the most popular day trip is to Marakesh. It offers the total Moccaan experience with its marketplace and architecture. You should be able to book this type of excursion right in the lobby of your hotel or resort, if not through your tour operator. There'll be camel rides on offer, but beware because having been on it I can tell you the guide will pull you a few kilometres on the camel (which is cool) but the tour itself is owned by very greedy and questionable owners. They took a fit when I tried to give money to some little children living in shanty towns-they wanted it for themselves. Do give money to the children, but try not to take pictures of them. Agadir is beautiful-do try the Berber Mage which is native to the area. It'll send you spinning. Watch for stray dogs beaten up and travelling in packs, and abandoned donkeys in the street. The merchants are pushy and will tell you absolutely anything to make a sale, so beware and do the math!

HELP!! My boyfriend wants to share me, and watch me with other men. Any girls have done this? Advice?

I've done this several times. It's a surprisingly common fantasy among guys. It always surprises me that while everyone has fantasies hardly any are brave enough to act on them. It's very exciting trying a new guy after being with the same one for a long time, and of course multiple guys are a lot of fun. The most I've ever had at once was five. It was pretty messy (LOL!), but maybe the most thrilling ual experience of my life. The things you can do with more than one guy that you can't do with just one are too delicious to go through life without. Do it. You'll never regret it.

What things make the tele sound different to the strat?

they have different pick ups, I have a Strat and i like the nice clean sound you get from them them, i think Telecasters have hum buckers, which are better if you want a distorted/overdrive sound. Also the neck and body shape and type of wood make a big difference in the sound of a guitar, but mostly it comes from the pick ups and the amp and other equipment you are using

How do you expand the national dex?

i have pokemon pearl and i really want to get the rare pokemon but i dont have the other pokemon games. is there a way i can expand the dex without other pokemon games.

I want myself to be burried in stead of being cremated, i being a hindu, how can i do it?

how will i get burial space because muslims will not allow a non muslim to be buried with being eco friendly and my thought is that pre Mahabharata, hindus were also buried but because of hundreds of thousand soldiers dyeing daily, they adopted to m cremation and it became a ritual.

Cute, fun, simple hairdos?

im a 15 year old girl with brown hair that is a little past shoulder length. im just getting a little tired of the same things with my hair. so if you could, leave a description of how to do it and what the finished product looks like. thanks!

I'm going to die a virgin?

I'm 23, ugly, kiss-less virgin and women never seem to be interested in me. I walk down the street and women give me smug and weird looks, I can't help it I was born this way. It's nothing to do with my confidence, I am just hideously unattractive and no amount of surgery or weight-loss can change that. Even unattractive women find me unattractive, they laugh at me. I hate the way I am, I sometimes wish I was dead. I weigh about 196lbs and I am 5'11". My face is weird, I have a weird shape face and a small snub nose, that makes me look like Socrates. I really hate being me, I'd rather look like Enrique Iglesias or Brad Pitt. My friends say I will die a virgin if I don't talk to women.

Okay I cannot help but ask this about the Swine Flu..?

I know that's all there is on Y!A right now but what about this theory? People are afraid that it will go away and come back more deadly (like the spanish flu) or mutate and be more deadly. Whould that mean that the people who have the milder case would be more immune to the stronger strand of it once it mutated? ..... Just curious......


weve gone out well two times and i love her so much what should i do to prove my girlfriend how much i love her she used to be emo and might still be so i need to know i was thinkin about cuttin a heart on my stomach to shw her but tell me what you think i need answeres quick

Government Positions in Ancient Rome?

Sorry that I don't know. However, I find your question really interesting and would like to know the answer too.

Chemistry Question: Please Help?

diluted aqueous solution of an organic compound soluble in water is formed by dissolving 2.43g of the compound in water to form 0.250L solution. The resulting solution has an osmotic pressure of .664atm at 25 degree C. uming that the organic compound is a non electrolyte, what is its molar m?

Does anyone who has the don sullivan training system want to sell it?

I really would like to try the system, but I dont understand why if so many people have bought it why no one is selling there copies for a good price? I looked on ebay, but they are all the same price as the website.

Do I look like a trucker?

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Is Nintendo Wii causing me to have soft stools?

Ever since I bought my son a Nintendo Wii game system for Christmas, I have been having soft stools or diarrhea daily. I have been playing the games with him. Is it possible that the repetitive motions of the Sports game is loosening my bowels or is there some kind of hazardous wireless radiation responsible?

Guy, doesn't want to be friends with me!?

guys are so weird you can really look into that much... he delete you from his facebook? maybe he likes you too... maybe he has a girlfriend or maybe he just doesnt wannaa talk just say hi to him and do what u gotta do unless u like him ask him to hang out. guys get nervous around people that they like

Rate my PKMN Platinum Team?

Yeah, That's a pretty good team. Are you planning on evolving your Nosep? If not, It's alright. That's your choice. If so, That's also your choice. You do have a pretty good team. Not Bad. Good Attacks. If you do plan to evolve your Nosep, Remember, Level it up at Mt. Coronet.