Saturday, January 14, 2012

(This is a REALLY weird question) Is this weird?

Okay, so the summer of 2009 we go to Devil's Lake in Wisconsin for a camping trip, and there's this Army ammunition plant (BAAP) just south of the park. That vacation really made an impression on me because that was when i really woke up and realized, there's a war going on. This is real. All day and night you could hear the planes and helicopters from the plant flying over(not to mention the guns being tested-we actually heard them test some sort of explosive one day.) I just really felt like God was calling me to be a soldier. I mean, it was all i ever thought about all summer. Then, i broke my ankle and had to get a screw put in. (Yes, this is going to end as a question) Well, the doctor was a really nice lady who has a family and graduated from a 4 star medical school plus she's published articles in various med magz plus she is one of the top docs in the area with lots of cloute. Well, after the surgery, mom said the doctor came out and asked, in a really serious tone (and hesitantly), if i laugh a lot. Mom says not really-and that was the end of that conversation. The doctor never said anything else about me laughing during the surgery. Wellllll, that whole thing seemed really weird to me because with the type of anesthesia i had it is NORMAL to laugh a lot during surgery. Why would a doctor with so much experience think it was weird if i laughed a lot during the surgery? Then, at my next doc appointment, while were leaving and mom's filling out some forms, i notice the my doctor looking at me from her computer desk. I didn't think anything of it, but she KEPT looking at me. It wasn't like a-you're weird look; it was more like......i don't know. She just kept looking at me (and she's not a pervert, just in case you're wondering). Well, at another one of my doc appointments, there's this Time magazine in the waiting area, it's right on top of all the other magz, and it's brand new(unlike the other magz). It was the one about Afghanistan, and it showed some soldier on the front. (all this will fit together at the end). I didn't think anything of the magazine other than i thought it was interesting. Then, 9/11 rolls around. I find out that the 9/11 ceremony for our town is going to be at the hospital. That seemed SUPER weird, because there's so many other places that would be so much better (the court house, one of the city parks, VFW, or at some sort of memorial thing). It was even weirder because it was like the main memorial service in town with the police and fire dep. and everything, and it's not like the ceremony cost anything so the hospital wouldn't need to sponsor the event. I didn't get to go to it, but it just seemed weird that the hospital would have a 9/11 ceremony. Then.....i started thinking. And i began to wonder if i said something weird about war, Iraq, Afghanistan, and 9/11 during that surgery i had, considering those were all that i thought about during that summer. That would explain why the doctor was so weird after that surgery, why that magazine just happened to be in that waiting area on that day, and why the hospital was having a 9/11 ceremony. What do you think? Is this like weird or what?


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