Monday, January 9, 2012

Should I try & have a relationship with my father?

My mom already had my oldest brother when she meet my dad then had my other then me. When i was first born he denied me because I was a girl. My earliest memory's as a child where him beating on my mom & both of my brother's. I remember trying 2 stand between them to make them stop, but they never would. I dont ever remember him laying a hand on me, tho my mom always suspected him of molesting me, I dont remember if this happened and am glad for that fact. My mom finally left my dad on Easter day when I was 5. He would never pay child support for me & would only pay it about once a year for my brother. He would always send gifts for Christmas & birthdays threw my aunt tho. When my brother turned 18 he already had a drinking problem & had dropped out of school my mom told him he either had to quit drinking & get a job or find somewhere else 2 live. He chose to move in with my dad, after about 6 months my brother started going from one friends house to another. I have no idea what happened between them, but their still on semi friendly terms. when i turned 17 he started trying to have contact with me bought me a new cell phone an expected for that to make up for everything. I took the phone but never answered his calls..I never knew what to say to to let him in my life & even if i wanted him in it. I already had a drug problem but was determined to finish high school so one of my moms kids would. I turned 18 back in March & this is my senior year. My mom & me had an argument about my friends & I moved out for awhile & didn't have any contact with her, I moved in with some of my friends who are all n their mid twenty's. They helped me work up the courage to call my dad & talk to him one day...he didn't even offer to let me stay with him. But i continued to call an check in with him. I've moved back in with my mom for the moment even tho i still hang out with the same people & drink & do drugs were okay now. I think she fells better when she can at least c me every other day & knows that im alive. My father never calls, or asks my cousin who lives right beside him if im okay or if they've heard from me. The last time I called him about a month ago, one of the woman he's staying with kids answered the phone she's about 14 & hollered for him to come to the phone...she called him daddy & he called her princess. That hurt worse then anything, to know that he can be a father to them but not to his own kids. I dont know what to do, or if i should even try to do anything. would it be wrong of me to cut him off completely...again


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